Sermon Series


July 12, 2008

Spiritual Love, part 3

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Galatians Topics Expository

Sermon on the first fruit of the Spirit.

July 12, 2008

Spiritual Love, part 4

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Galatians Topics Expository

Last sermon in a series of 4 on the Biblical aspect of love.

July 5, 2008

Spiritual Love, part 2

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Galatians Topics Expository

Sermon on love's attributes.

June 28, 2008

Spiritual Love, part 1

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Galatians Topics Expository

What the scriptures teach us about love.

May 31, 2008

The Works of the Flesh II

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Galatians Topics Expository

Sermon on the second group of fleshly works in Galatians that have a social nature and are related to personal interests.

May 24, 2008

The Works of the Flesh

Speaker Pastor Jack Beals Series Galatians Topics Expository

The dangers of the flesh and how to overcome them.

May 17, 2008

Thw Work of the Flesh Defined

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Galatians Topics Teaching

How to live according to the Spirit

April 12, 2008

Spirit Victory

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Galatians Topics Topical

God's remedy for spiritual victory, and being Sprit-lead.

February 23, 2008

How Freedom Works

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Galatians Topics Expository

Continuing on from our Sunday School sermon, Pastor John explains true Christian living at its best.

November 24, 2007

How Freedom Works II

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Galatians Topics Expository

Our continuing study of Galatians brings us to this, the second of two sermons focusing on Christian liberty.

November 17, 2007

How Freedom Works I

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Galatians Topics Expository

Continuing our study of Galatians, this is the first of two sermons on the practical side of Christian liberty.