Any service is fine to visit. Probably the most common time to visit is the Sunday morning worship service (11:00). Here are some frequently asked questions about a Sunday morning visit.

How long is each service?

About an hour.

What should I expect during the service?

The Sunday morning worship service consists of hymn singing, music from a choir and/or small choral group, Bible reading, prayer, and a sermon. Someone from the platform will ask the congregation to stand at certain times, such as for the hymns. The sermon is the highlight of the service - it lasts about 40 minutes. It may be an explanation/application of a Bible passage or a topical study on what the Bible says about something. It is always intended to explain what God's Word says.

You do not need to worry about when to stand or sit, what to say, etc. There is not a prescribed format to know ahead of time. If the congregation is going to stand, someone on the platform will announce it.

What should I bring?

You do not need to bring anything. If you have a Bible, it will help you follow along with the sermon. If not, Bibles are located in the pew rack in front of your seat. An alphabetical index in the front of the Bible tells where each "book" is located (there are 66 books contained in the Bible).

What should I wear?

There is no particular dress code. You will see many men wearing a coat and tie - this is because we view worshiping God together as a special occasion. But you will see people in a spectrum of formality. Our focus is on your heart, not on what you wear.

What about my children?

Nursery care is provided for children through age 2. You can check your child into the nursery at any time. Children age 3 and up begin with the adults and are invited to children's classes or Children's Church, which are dismissed just before the sermon. If preferred, non-disruptive children may remain in the auditorium. The sermon is aimed at adults; the content is, of course, appropriate for everyone, but can be difficult for children to understand. Children’s classes are particularly aimed at their level of understanding.

Whom do I see if I have a question?

A Welcome Center is located in the main Narthex. The helpful volunteer staff can answer any questions about where to go or what to do. Additionally, ushers will greet you at the door and are never far away. For spiritual questions, the pastor usually greets people at the exit after the service. Feel free to discuss spiritual questions then, or to request a meeting.