July 1, 2018
Responding to Opposition
The ministry of sharing the gospel with others, the problems that occur & how God helps.
June 24, 2018
Preparation for Opposition
June 17, 2018
An Acceptable Character
The godly character of the fathers of faith &the responsibilities of fatherhood.
June 17, 2018
Kingdom Laborers Instructed
the apostles learn to trust God day by day for their needs& so should we.
May 27, 2018
Kingdom Laborers Named
May 13, 2018
Compassion to the Daughter of Abraham
April 29, 2018
Laborers For the Harvest
What work will God call YOU to do & will you be willing to serve Him in any area of life?
April 22, 2018
The King Brings Healing
Two miracles & how God worked differently in each situation with the people's responses.
April 15, 2018
The New Covenant Revealed
Jesus explains the new covenant that fulfills the old covenant.