March 4, 2017

Light in the Darkness

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Matthew Topics Textual

Jesus brings light to people that unknowingly sit in darkness.

February 25, 2017

The Lord's Temptation (part 3)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Matthew Topics Textual

Third sermon on the Lord's temptation.

February 18, 2017

The Lord's Temptation (part 2)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Matthew Topics Textual

Second part of the Lord's temptation sermon.

February 4, 2017

The Lord's Temptation

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Matthew Topics Textual

Jesus' example of spiritual strengthening through temptation from the devil.

January 28, 2017

Weight Removed

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Topical

How do we deal with the consequences of our sin?

January 21, 2017

The Lord's Baptism

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Matthew Topics Textual

# biblical explanations of the baptism of Jesus.

January 14, 2017

KIngdom Warning

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Matthew Topics Textual

The dangers of claiming false repentance & the true process to grow thereby.

January 7, 2017

Kingdom Entrance

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Matthew Topics Textual

The entrance & life in the kingdom of God.

December 31, 2016

The Messenger of Repentance

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Matthew Topics Textual

Preparation for the Lord's ministry & how we stand before God as we gather for worship.

December 24, 2016

The Christmas Sacrifice

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Christmas

The Christmas sacrifice

December 17, 2016

Worship the King

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Christmas

Events leading to the birth of Jesus.

December 3, 2016

The Person Jesus

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Topical

An explanation of Jesus as King & His coming kingdom through the Old Testament prophesies.