Sermon Series


April 12, 2008

The Great White Throne Judgment (part1)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Revelation Topics Topical

Sermon describing the throne of God, and the resurrection and judgement of unbelievers.

March 22, 2008

Millennial Kingdom

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Revelation Topics Expository

A continuing study on the Millennial Kingdom and Satan's final destination and demise.

March 1, 2008

The Millennial Temple

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Revelation Topics Topical

Message on the purpose of the temple during the Millennial kingdom.

February 23, 2008

Future Priests

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Revelation Topics Topical

Duties of the priests in the temple during the Millennnial Kingdom and the explainations of those duties.

December 1, 2007

Our Future State: The Bodily Resurrection II

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Revelation Topics Expository

Continuing in our study of Revelation, Pastor John takes us to I Corinthians 15, in Paul's extended discussion of the bodily resurrection.

November 24, 2007

Our Future State: the bodily resurrection

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Revelation Topics Teaching

Teaching through Revelation, Pastor John discusses the bodily resurrection.

October 13, 2007

The Second Coming

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Revelation Topics Teaching