March 12, 2011

The Man Who Amazed Jesus

Speaker Pastor Jack Beals Topics Teaching

Faith is the source of TRUE Godliness and what truely amazes the Lord!

March 5, 2011

What is Heaven Like?

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Christian Principles Topics Teaching

A description of Heaven.

March 5, 2011

The Special Kingdom

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Colossians Topics Expository

A description of God's kingdom.

March 5, 2011

The Special Kingdom

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Colossians Topics Expository

A description of God's kingdom.

February 26, 2011

Glorification (part 2)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Christian Principles Topics Teaching

An explanation of Heaven from the Scripture.

February 26, 2011

The Foundation of Our Spiritual Status

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Colossians Topics Expository

The foundation of your spiritual status that proves that one actually CAN live a life pleasing to the Lord.

February 19, 2011

Glorification (intro)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Christian Experience Topics Topical

What the Scriptures say about the believer's glorification.

February 19, 2011

Walking in the Will of God (part 3)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Colossians Topics Expository

Walking in the will of God.

February 12, 2011

Sanctification (part 2)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Christian Experience Topics Topical

How to be sanctified.

February 12, 2011

Walking in the Will of God (part 2)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Colossians Topics Expository

Four characteristics on how to please God.

February 5, 2011


Speaker Pastor Jack Beals Series Christian Experience Topics Teaching

What does it mean to rejoice and why does joy sometimes seem elusive?

February 5, 2011

Walking in the Will of God

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Colossians Topics Textual

Knowledge in spiritual wisdom provided by the Spirit.