March 22, 2008

Responses to the Work of Salvation

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Resurrection Topics Topical

Sermon covers 4 points of responses from Jesus' exultation.

March 1, 2008

The Millennial Temple

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Revelation Topics Topical

Message on the purpose of the temple during the Millennial kingdom.

February 23, 2008

Future Priests

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Revelation Topics Topical

Duties of the priests in the temple during the Millennnial Kingdom and the explainations of those duties.

January 5, 2008

Angels and Believers

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Topical

First in a series, Pastor John discusses what the Scriptures teach about angels, and their relation to believers.

December 22, 2007

The Holy Family

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Topical

What do we know about Mary & Joseph? Were they the perfect family? This sermon explores what we can learn, and how can we be changed today based on what God reveals about these, His chosen earthly parents for the Christ child.

December 22, 2007

The Holy Child

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Topical

Jesus was more than just the baby in the manger. A look at what the Bible teaches about Jesus.

December 15, 2007

Where is Your Christmas Joy

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Topical

Where do you find your happiness at Christmas? Have you seen the "great light" as did those who "sat in darkness?"

December 1, 2007

Living For Jesus

Speaker Pastor Jack Beals Topics Topical

Using the example of Jesus' deliverance for the maniac of Gadara, Pastor Beals discusses Christ's work in our life and living for Him.

December 1, 2007

Living For Jesus

Speaker Pastor Jack Beals Topics Topical

Using the example of Jesus' deliverance for the maniac of Gadara, Pastor Beals discusses Christ's work in our life and living for Him.

September 15, 2007

The Face of God (III)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series The Face of God Topics Topical

Third of three sermons in which Pastor John looks at what God reveals about Himself in Scripture.

September 8, 2007

The Face of God (II)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series The Face of God Topics Topical

Second of three sermons in which Pastor John looks at what God reveals about Himself in Scripture.

September 1, 2007

The Face of God (I)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series The Face of God Topics Topical

First of three sermons in which Pastor John looks at what God reveals about His face through Scripture.