August 20, 2011

Maintaining Pure Christianity (A)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Colossians Topics Expository

A negative and positive reasons for Paul's exhortation on false teachers.

August 13, 2011

The Pinnacle of Christian Living (part D)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Colossians Topics Expository

The finished product of comprehension of the truth of God's Word.

August 6, 2011


Topics Teaching

The positives and negatives of your choices or lack thereof in holiness, humbleness, and salvation.

August 6, 2011

The Pinnacle of Christian Living (part C)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Expository

The next level of Christian living-unity and the wonderful results of it.

July 30, 2011

The Pinnacle of Christian Living (part B)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Expository

Continuing in Colossians.

July 23, 2011

A Believer's Ressurected Body (part 2)

Topics Expository

How we should live on this earth in anticipation of our glorified bodies.

July 16, 2011

The Believer's Resurrected Body

Topics Expository

Details on the body we as believer's will recieve in glory.

July 16, 2011

The Plan & Purpose of Preaching

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Colossians Topics Expository

What "Christ in you" entails through the warnings & positive teachings of God.

July 9, 2011

The End of Antichrist

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series End Times Series Topics Topical

The last of 8 sermons on the antichrist.

July 9, 2011

The Initial Gospel Ministry

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Colossians Topics Textual

Three views on a believers suffering: attoning, church & apostolic views, and what WE believe.

July 2, 2011


Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Colossians Topics Topical

The 1st of two ways God's Word is proclimated.

June 25, 2011

The attitude of Antichrist (part 7)

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series End Times Series Topics Topical

Continuing in the end times sermons.