January 3, 2009

I Believe God Part 1

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Textual

How to sail through lifes storms with calmness of soul as you "believe God".

December 27, 2008

A Godly Resolve

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Expository

A declaration to live for Christ in our areas of worship, behavior, interests, frienships, and desisre.

December 20, 2008

What Does Jesus Bring ?

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Christmas

The example Joseph gives while handling "trouble", and how Jesus can bring fulfillment through unexpected situations.

December 20, 2008

The Birth of Fulfillment

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Christmas

The name "Immanuel" and all that Jesus is to us.

December 13, 2008

The birth of Jesus is Good News

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Christmas

The salvation through Jesus Christ is the Good News!

December 6, 2008

3 Reasons to Fear

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Teaching

Why we are sometimes reluctant when it comes to sharing the Gospel.

November 29, 2008

Christian Living 101

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Relationships Topics Teaching

The fundamental basics of the early church and the two essential evidences of the Holy Spirit.

November 22, 2008

Who Really Reigns?

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Teaching

Who gets the credit for tthe power, control, & prosperity in your life? You or the Almight Creator of all?

November 22, 2008

The Loving Husband

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Relationships Topics Teaching

How men should truely love their wives and lead their home.

November 15, 2008

The Essential Practice- Part B

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Teaching

Continuing this mornings message on thte "one needful thing" in our busy lives.

November 15, 2008

The Essential Practice- Part A

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Teaching

How we should prioritize our ministries, careers, and interests with that "one needful thing" in mind.

November 8, 2008


Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Relationships Topics Teaching

Guidelines God provides in His Word for those in a Spirit-lead life, on submission to others, and to whom and under what circumstances we are to submit.