April 25, 2015

Fight the Good Fight

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series 1 Timothy Topics Textual

Fight the good fight.

April 18, 2015

Fathers-part 2

Speaker Pastor Jack Beals Topics Topical

Fathers are to be an example to their children.

April 18, 2015

Conversion by Grace-part 2

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series 1 Timothy Topics Topical

There is hope for "losers" through faith in Jesus Christ.

April 11, 2015


Speaker Pastor Jack Beals Topics Teaching

Biblical principles for being the kind of father that will produce a godly home.

April 11, 2015

Conversion By Grace-part 1

Series 1 Timothy Topics Teaching

How God's law is supposed to be presented through the personal example of Paul's life example.

April 4, 2015

Love in Action

Speaker Pastor John Beals Topics Topical

Bearing, believing, hoping & enduring aspects of love.

April 4, 2015

The Risen Lord

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series Resurrection Topics Topical

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is risen!

March 28, 2015

The Triumphal Entry

Speaker Pastor Jack Beals Topics Topical

Hosannah, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

March 21, 2015


Speaker Skip Tilton Topics Teaching

Our worldview verses the biblical view.

March 14, 2015

The Blessings of a Godly Family

Topics Topical

The blessings of a godly family with special emphasis on the wife & children.

March 14, 2015

The Right Use of the Law

Speaker Pastor John Beals Series 1 Timothy Topics Textual

How false teachers improperly use God's Word & the correct use of God's Law.

March 7, 2015

The God-fearing Family

Topics Topical

Fear of the Lord is the basis of managing a godly home.