June 5, 2022

God's Special Intervention

Speaker Pastor John Beals

God's faithfulness will take care of us through all of life's troubles.

May 29, 2022

Does My Commitment Matter?

Speaker Pastor John Beals

Does our commitment to God really matter?

May 22, 2022

When Even Prayer Doesn't Work

Speaker Pastor John Beals

How we respond to problems when God is silent.

May 15, 2022

The Right Sermon

Speaker Pastor John Beals

Focusing on heavenly things & the promises of God.

May 8, 2022

A Mother's Living Sacrifice

Speaker Pastor John Beals

Hannah makes a vow to God about Samuel

May 1, 2022

Religious but Lost

Speaker Pastor John Beals

Judas' reaction to Jesus arrest & his fate

April 10, 2022

Hosanna to the King

Speaker Pastor John Beals

How will you respond to the King?

April 3, 2022

God on Trial

Speaker Pastor John Beals

What the non-believing world thinks about God. The trial of Jesus.

March 27, 2022

The Lord's Controlled Arrest

Speaker Pastor John Beals

The arrest of Jesus

March 20, 2022

Preparation for Batle

Speaker Pastor John Beals

The disciples sleep instead of praying before battle.

March 6, 2022

How Weak Are We?

Speaker Pastor John Beals

Jesus' disciples scatter when He was crucified. Will you leave Him when hard times come?